Sunday, May 22, 2011

Enough said

Today we went to Adoption Assistance (the organization that we are partnering with for our homestudy).  They had a picnic and according to everyone it is an annual event where all adoptive parents and prospective adopting parents go to well.....just mingle.  I had my camera with me but it was raining and I just don't chance gettin' my ol' camera wet....she is my pride and joy. So, no pictures...sorry!

Nonetheless, they had flags up from every country that was represented there....39 to be exact!!!!  I hate to sound like a dummy but they had countries I had never even heard of. 

What an amazing tribute to lil' ole Kentucky and the outreach that we can have.  The kids were beautiful....

The thing that made me laugh is we were the minority.....we were all just a white boring!!!! Yep....I felt like the minority - HOW AWESOME IS THAT!

We met a family.....they are from Bowling Green and to top it they are Hilltopper alumni (it always does my heart good to meet a fellow Hilltopper) They have four children and are looking to adopt two children....yep I said two. Sometimes God just makes me giggle....I am having a nervous breakdown with one and this mom seemed so confident in that she wanted to add two more to her house...the kicker was that she was simply flippant and merely 'why not' in her reasoning.....

On that note I checked out that mom's blog and found this video....thought it pretty much summed things up...


  1. Were they "honors" graduates too!!!

  2. You are forever putting things on here that bring tears to my eyes! So glad that you remind all of us how big our own hearts and homes actually are and that there is always room for one more! So excited for your family.
